Bilbao, July, 05th, 2024 – ACICAE-Basque Country Automotive Cluster has awarded the 18th edition of the AUTOMOTION-ACICAE 2024 Awards to people and organisations that have stood out for their work in favour of the competitiveness of the automotive sector.

These awards recognise the work carried out by different agents in one of the most demanding industrial sectors in the world.

The categories foreseen are: vehicle manufacturer or top-level supplier, company located in the Basque Country, individual, and media. Thus, in this edition, the winners were:

– Company located in the Basque Country: MERCEDES-BENZ VITORIA
For its continued commitment to the Basque automotive industry and, in particular, for the new investments that will contribute to improving the future competitiveness of the Vitoria factory and the Basque sector as a whole.

– Top level supplier: SCHAEFFLER
For its ability to adapt to the challenges of mobility through innovation and collaboration, both with customers and suppliers on a global scale.

– Person: Victor Picó, President of Ingemat
For his commitment to the Basque automotive sector, which has manifested itself in a long business trajectory, with the development of the Ingemat project, consolidating itself as a global automotive supplier.

– Media: Onda Vasca
For its trajectory as a media outlet and its interest in the automotive sector.

The award ceremony took place yesterday at an official dinner attended by more than 150 representatives of the automotive sector and other related agents.

Photo: from left to right, Bernd Krottmayer (Mercedes), Angel López (Onda Vasca), Victor Picó, Florian Schupp (Schaeffler).